Thank a Teacher Day
A big thank you also this year to every single one of our wonderful staff for making our school such a special place!
“I like my school as there’s loads of kind and helpful people and they’ll do anything for you.”
20 May 2020 was “Thank A Teacher Day”, but our school family – parents, children, governors – wanted to say a big thank you to every single member of staff – as all are contributing to making this school such a special place.
Hope these find you well – a huge thank you to you all for being so supportive during this time and for making contact and keeping us so well informed.
Kind regards
Kelly, Duncan, India and Ezra Bassett
Dear All excellent Teachers, Teacher Assistants, Breakfast, Afterschool Club Staff and Kitchen Staff…
A massive Thank You for the wonderful work you do! We feel so grateful to have you.
We hope that your special day will be filled with love!
Lots of love,
Magda and mum
Zoe painted a heart for Miss Anscombe.
She loves her and misses her very much,
Thank you for all you do!
Dear all teachers / staff at Olol
Words cannot explain how much we miss you all and the community that the school offers.
More than ever we are appreciative of the hard work and organising that goes into each and every lesson. A very humbling experience for us all.
We look forward to coming back to school when it is safe to do so.
Thank you again and glad the sun is shining down on us at the moment.
Lots of love
Hayley, Connor and Lyla xxx
Messages From The Governors
Dear all,
Today is national Thank a Teacher Day !! This year it is probably more important than ever to mark it and recognise the hard work and dedication that our staff bring each and every day to their work. During lockdown teachers and all staff have had to face challenges that they could never have imagined, and they are being asked to work in unfamiliar ways and in very trying circumstances.
The governors are very mindful of the commitment that you all continue to give to the school despite your own personal circumstances, we know that some of you have your own children at home to teach, or elderly parents to care for yet you still continue to come to work to look after keyworker / vulnerable children and support all pupils with continuing education through remote learning. As yet none of us know how long will we continue to be in lockdown or what the future will hold but we will do whatever we can to support staff until such a time that it is safe to reopen the school.
We want to say thank you, your continuing support to the school in such unusual and unprecedented circumstances is recognised and very much appreciated, not just today but always.
Dear Karen,
Thank you so much for all you have done over the years to nourish the spiritual life of the school, and particularly for your amazing efforts during this time of lockdown.
It is fantastic to see the amount of prayers and religious resources you have been able to share on the school website as well as your lovely interactions with your own class. I’m sure it has been a great source of reassurance and continuity to feel your steady support and guidance; for parents as well as for the children.
On a personal note, I really appreciate the great support you provide to all the First Communion children and to the wonderful foundation in faith you have given them all.
I hope you realise how much your efforts are appreciated, what a blessed school we are!
With love and continued prayers,
Giulia (RE and Year 3 link governor)
—Organising the voucher scheme
—Keeping in touch with the vulnerable families
—Helping with the food bank
—Going into school in the holiday
—Helping to keep staff morale high
—Working when you don’t feel well yourself
So keep taking the Jakemans and keep safe.
From Sandra (Pupil Premium link governor)
For Ian’s message (Year 5 and 6 and Maths link governor), please follow this link:
Dear Jo,
Thank you for all your hard work to ensure that this page was kept secret. I know how much time that must have taken. Not only that, but I would like to say thank you for the endless Pings that you send out on behalf of the PTA and how you support us with each and every event. We couldn’t do what we do without you and I hope you know you are much appreciated!
From Mel
Thank you Anna for all the support you give to OLOL! Not just for providing the childcare support during holidays for key worker children but also the fantastic ASC service you run every day, making it fun for our children! 😊
You’re always cheerful and willing to help, and have dedicated so much of your spare time creating amazing sculptures and costumes for the children’s parade and numerous events to support the PTA.
We’d be lost without you!
I would just like to take this opportunity on thank a teacher day to Matt for all his hard work and dedication. I was a little worried about taking on the link role for PE but Matt really guided me through it. Thank you also for all the research you have done and making the PE section on the school website fantastic, including info for remote learning. Keep up the hard work.
From Jess
Thank you for all your commitment to and care of all the children at Our Lady of Lourdes, not only during the recent pandemic, but always. Keep safe, keep well.
From Dee
Dear Theresa
I wanted to take this opportunity to say a very warm thank you for all that you do for our school. I know that you have been in every day the school has been open, providing meals for vulnerable and keyworker children (and staff!) and then once you have finished feeding everyone you start work on cleaning our school!! This time more than most, keeping our school clean is not just important but without it we couldn’t open and I wanted to say thank you for what you have been doing, particularly during this period, to help ensure staff and pupils can come to school safely.
Maria, I also wanted to say a big thank you to you; I know that you also work hard ensuring our school is kept clean and therefore safe, allowing our school to remain open, and I wanted to let you that what you are doing behind the scenes is recognised and very much appreciated.
For Zoe
It’s Thank a teacher Day!
The Governors and I wanted to THANK YOU for going above and beyond in all you do for our children at Our Lady of Lourdes.
You are that smiling face of support and kindness to our whole school and we are so grateful to you. The tenacity with which you achieve your goals is something to be applauded.
I’d like to mention the amount of your own time that you give up and the effort and care that you put into everything you do.
Personally, under these current circumstances, I miss seeing you on a regular basis and I look forward to having our safeguarding meetings face to face again soon.
So I say again THANKYOU Miss Garbarz our school is lucky to have you!
love from
Helen and the Governors
And finally
Well, I don’t seem to fit in anywhere up there – not being a pupil or parent or governor – but a great big thank you to EVERYONE for making me feel as if I belong everywhere! Thanks for being absolutely brilliant colleagues – it’s a great pleasure working with you!
But special thanks to those who are helping me to support the governors by providing all kinds of reports, and for doing so in a timely manner. That’s Paul with regular Headteacher reports, Anita with progress and attainment data, Zoe with SEND and Child Protection reports, Kim with budget reports, Jo with absence data, Karen with termly RE reports and all subject leaders with their curriculum reports.
From Ruth (clerk to the governors)
I wanted to thank you on behalf of everyone at Our Lady of Lourdes for everything that you do to aid the smooth running of our governors and, during the Covid 19 crisis, your patience, dedication and efficiency that means our website is continually up to date. You’re an amazing part of our team and we treasure your contribution very much. Paul
Thank you Ruth for going above and beyond for our school. Your dedication to our school is wonderful and is part of why we all work so well as a team . Thank you for all that you do, so much of it is ‘behind the scenes’ but your hard work is always recognised by us and and appreciated. The governors