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A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Statutory Information, including information for inspectors

"The school is calm and orderly throughout. Pupils respond to routines and expectations appropriately."



Fraser in Yr 1 playground

Statutory Information

Highest combined Scores in our city!

Reading: 96%

Writing: 88%

Maths: 83%

Combined: 83%

Key Stage 2 SATs results 2018-2019

SchoolNational Average
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined66%65%
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading78%73%
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Maths84%79%
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Writing81%78%
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar91%78%
Average progress Reading1.220
Average progress Writing0.990
Average progress Maths0.440
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths combined9%11%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading38%27%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Maths13%27%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Writing25%20%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar47%36%
Average Scaled Score Reading105104
Average Scaled Score Maths105105
Average Scaled Score in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar109106

Key Stage 1 SATs results 2018-2019

SchoolNational Average
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined64%
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading86%75%
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Writing79%69%
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Maths79%76%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths combined11%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading25%25%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Writing11%15%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Maths29%22%