Statutory Information, including information for inspectors
"The school is calm and orderly throughout. Pupils respond to routines and expectations appropriately."
Statutory Information
Please find below the statutory information required by the DFE for all maintained schools.
You may find this information in other relevant sections, and these are signposted on this page. Should you require any further information, or paper copies of any policies or information displayed on our website, please contact the school.
- Contact Information
- Admission Arrangements
- School Uniform Information
- Latest Ofsted Report
- Parent View Ofsted
- Latest RE Inspection Report (Section 48)
- SATs Results – see below
- Performance Tables
- Curriculum
- School Opening Times
- Phonics Information: We use the Read Write Inc Phonics Programme
- Information on how we provide Remote Education is found here
- Behaviour Policy – see Policies page
- Pupil Premium Evaluation and Strategy
- Catch-up Premium
- Sports Premium Impact Statement
- Equality Objectives
- SEND Information Report
- Complaints Procedure – please see Policies page
- Governors’ information and duties
- Financial Information (DfE Benchmarking Site)
- We do not have any employees earning over £100,000
- Charging and Remissions Policy – see Policies page
- Values and Ethos
Highest combined Scores in our city!
Reading: 96%
Writing: 88%
Maths: 83%
Combined: 83%
Key Stage 2 SATs results 2018-2019
School | National Average | |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined | 66% | 65% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading | 78% | 73% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Maths | 84% | 79% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Writing | 81% | 78% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar | 91% | 78% |
Average progress Reading | 1.22 | 0 |
Average progress Writing | 0.99 | 0 |
Average progress Maths | 0.44 | 0 |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths combined | 9% | 11% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading | 38% | 27% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Maths | 13% | 27% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Writing | 25% | 20% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar | 47% | 36% |
Average Scaled Score Reading | 105 | 104 |
Average Scaled Score Maths | 105 | 105 |
Average Scaled Score in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar | 109 | 106 |
Key Stage 1 SATs results 2018-2019
School | National Average | |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined | 64% | |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading | 86% | 75% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Writing | 79% | 69% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Maths | 79% | 76% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths combined | 11% | |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading | 25% | 25% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Writing | 11% | 15% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in Maths | 29% | 22% |