Year 5
Welcome from Mrs Philbrook and Mrs Golawska
‘Thankyou for all that you are doing, the support, the love, prayers and understanding’
Parent Survey
We do PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child does not wear earrings or that these are taped and comes to school in their PE kit.
Although homework at Primary School is not compulsory, we believe that it is an important part of a child’s school life.
- It provides great opportunities for them to learn independently.
- It allows children to take responsibility for their learning; setting time aside and being organised – a valuable tool when moving through Years 5 and 6 and onto secondary school.
- Reinforces and consolidate classroom learning.
- Provides opportunities for parents and children to enjoy learning together.
- Inspires children to want to extend their learning.
Year 5 will set their homework on a Monday, due in the following Monday. Homework will consist of
- MyMaths,
- ReadTheory,
- Time Table Rock Stars,
- Daily reading
- Occasionally ‘other’ tasks.
Learning times tables should be an ongoing task at home. It is fundamental that the children know their multiplication facts by heart as this provides an excellent foundation for their maths knowledge.
We really encourage children to read daily. Although in year 5 children tend to enjoy reading on their own, we do also value paired reading with someone at home, or an aunt or uncle. When sharing a book with your child, we would ask that you provide support in checking their understanding of the book they are reading by asking questions such as:
- What has happened so far?
- What do you think is going to happen next?
- What do you know about the characters?
- Are there any characters that you think are similar to you? Why?
- Why do you think the author used that sentence?
Here is a link to a list of suggested Reading for Year 5
Take Home Task
A ‘take home task’ will be set at the start of a new topic to be completed by the start of the next half term.
Further Guidance on Homework
Homework should never cause unnecessary stress or anxiety for the child or parent. Please let the class teacher know if you feel this is the case. We recommend that children in Yr 5 and 6 do not spend longer than 45 minutes – 1 hr in any one homework session.
Please encourage your child to take pride in the good presentation of their homework.
Many thanks for your cooperation,
Mrs Philbrook and Mrs Golawska