Governor Vacancies
Schools need committed and engaged governors from a range of backgrounds, who can bring different insights and experiences to their governing boards.
“Governors contribute effectively to the process of school improvement because they are well informed and ask challenging questions.”
We currently have vacancies for Foundation Governors If you are interested in being considered for one of these vacancies, please contact the clerk to the Governing Body on andrewthomas
Desired expertise could include strategic leadership skills such as development planning, chairing meetings or budget monitoring, or knowledge of the local community (either where you live or work). You do not have to be a parent (except for a parent governor vacancy) or an education expert, but you do need to be a good team player and willing to learn more about your role. This can be done by attending training, school visits and sharing information and experience with other governors. Anyone aged 18 and over can apply. However, for a Foundation Governor vacancy you must be a practising Catholic.
We are keen to ensure that the membership of our governing board reflects the diversity of the pupils in our school and community and recognise the importance of cultural diversity in strategic roles in schools. Therefore, we always welcome applications from under-represented groups, such as minority ethnic backgrounds.
Please see below for more information on the role of a governor.