[email protected]
01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Anti-Racism & Equality

“Pupils discuss topics such as equality and diversity with great sensitivity and understand the importance of fairness and choice when discussing democracy.



“Pupils learn about a range of religions and world cultures through the curriculum. “



Equalities related policies can be found on our Policies Page. 

Georlyn on throne

Anti Racist Education Lead: Mrs Kirkwood

Anti Racist Education Support Leads:

Miss Hamilton (KS1) & Mrs Philbrook (Headteacher)

Empowered Voices is for all children from a BRM (Black and Racially Minoritised) background. They have a celebratory focus with an emphasis on being proud of their heritages and they will be a safe space for children to voice their experiences in education so far.  
 The Parent Empowered Voices group will be a safe space for our BRM families to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences of being part of the community. 
Joaquin and Zikora close up


Sesame Street has provided a simple explanation to racism and demonstrations:

Blue Peter presenters explain racism clearly and sensitively, sharing their personal experiences: