About the Governors
Welcome to the Governor section of the website. Here you can find out who your school governors are and what they do. More information on the role of a governor generally is available on our:
"Governors are knowledgeable.
They ensure that they understand the views of parents, pupils and staff clearly."
Our Catholic schools are rightly celebrated for their high standards and outstanding pastoral care, and Our Lady of Lourdes school exemplifies those qualities fully. There is a real family atmosphere in the school, and we as governors are continually impressed by the caring and thoughtful attitude of the children and all members of staff. As governors we certainly feel part of that family and appreciate the way we are always welcome to take part in the life of the school. We value feedback from parents and children and take on board suggestions made in questionnaires or verbally and work closely with the Parents Council and PTFA. As governors we are very aware that we are part of a team, and together with the headteacher, staff, parents and children we relish the opportunity to continue to develop and improve our school. The Leadership team and governors work together to cultivate first class partnerships with parents and carers, as well as the local community, all of whom play such an important part in the life of our thriving school.
We also work together with the Governing Bodies of other local schools and have formalised this in a Collaboration Agreement. The Collaboration Agreement of the Deans (local schools) can be accessed by clicking here, and the Deanery Collaboration Agreement (other Catholic schools) can be accessed here.
Do you have any questions for the governors? You can email our Clerk at [email protected]
The School Governors
Every School Governor is a volunteer who dedicates a considerable amount of time to ensure that the Governing Board is effective.
Constitution as of 1 February 2014:
14 governors – Headteacher, 1 staff governor, 2 parent governors, 1 co-opted governor, 1 LA governor, 8 foundation governors
Co-Chairs of Governors: Mel Fane and Bryan Rossi-Anderson
Vice Chair: Giulia de Rosa
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Name | Type | Appointed by | Term of office | Meeting attendance 2022-2023 FGB and committees |
Pier Anscombe | Staff | Elected by Staff | 24.11.2023-23.11.2027 | 14 out of 15 |
Alysia-Lara Ayonrinde | Foundation | Diocese | 04.06.2021-03.06.2025 | 4 out of 9 |
Mel Fane (Co-Chair) | Foundation | Diocese | 11.01.2021-10.01.2025 | 17 out of 20 |
Laura Gibbons | LA | Nominated by LA, appointed by GB | 24.05.2022-23.05.2026 | 11 out of 15 |
Giulia de Rosa (Vice Chair) | Foundation | Diocese | 18.01.2020-17.01.2025 | 7 out of 10 |
Bryan Rossi-Anderson (Co-Chair) | Parent | Elected by Parents | 22.02.2021-21.02.2025 | 15 out of 18 |
Anita Philbrook | Headteacher | Ex officio | 01.01.2024- | N/A |
Jeremy Sice | Parent | Elected by parents | 31.01.2024-30.01.2028 | 13 out of 18 |
Michael Conroy | Foundation | Diocese | 20.05.2024 – 19.05.2028 | N/A |
vacancy | Foundation | Diocese |
vacancy | Foundation | Diocese |
vacancy | Foundation | Diocese |
vacancy | Co-Opted | Governing Body |
Dee Simson | Associate Member (Resources Committee) | Governing Body | 09.10.2021-08.10.2023 | 9 out of 15 |
Emma Briggs | Associate Member (Pay and Admissions Committees) | Governing Body | 05.12.2023-04.12.2027 | 12 out of 13 |
Ian Watson | Associate Member (Admissions Committee) | Governing Body | 18.06.2024-17.06.2028 | 11 out of 14 |
The following governors were also serving on the Governing Body in the last year |
Ian Watson (Foundation Governor 20.12.2021 to 17.06.24); Paul Barber (Headteacher Governor 01.01.20 to 31.12.23); Emma Briggs (Parent Governor to 04.12.23); Pier Anscombe (Staff Governor to 15.10.23; Helen Snow (Foundation Governor to 02.12.22) Chikodili Emelumadu (Co-Opted Governor 17.03.22)
Committee Membership
The Governing Body works with the following committee structure:
Resources Committee: Pier Anscombe, Anita Philbrook, Mel Fane (Chair), Laura Gibbons (Vice-Chair), Bryan Rossi-Anderson, Michael Conroy, Dee Simson (Associate Member with voting rights) – Terms of Reference
Admissions Committee: Anita Philbrook, Emma Briggs (Associate Member with voting rights), Ian Watson (Associate Member with voting rights and Chair), Mel Fane, Jeremy Sice – Terms of Reference
Pay Committee: Giulia de Rosa, Emma Briggs (Associate Member with voting rights), Laura Gibbons – Terms of Reference
Headteacher Performance Management Panel: Mel Fane, Bryan Rossi-Anderson – Terms of Reference – Review Officer: Giulia de Rosa
Link Governors
Behaviour: Emma Briggs
Communications and Marketing: Jeremy Sice
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Alysia-Lara Ayonrinde
GDPR: Bryan Rossi-Anderson, Ian Watson
Health and Safety: Mel Fane
Parent Link: Jeremy Sice
PE/Sports Premium: Laura Gibbons
Safeguarding: Mel Fane
Safeguarding Governor link group: Laura Gibbons, Ian Watson, Emma Briggs
SEND: Ian Watson
Governor training: Mel Fane
Register of Interests 2023-2024
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Name and Category | Contracts / suppliers / companies / securities / employment | Other Educational Establishments | Family members | Gifts and Hospitality | Organisations / Secret Societies | Date Interest was registered |
Pier Anscombe, Staff | Employed at OLOL |
| 19.09.23 |
Alysia-Lara Ayonrinde, Foundation | Education (national level) |
| Has one child at the school |
| 16.11.23 |
Emma Briggs, Associate Member | NHS employee |
| Sister Mel Fane is Co-Chair of Governors; |
| 22.09.23 |
Jeremy Sice, Parent |
| has a child at the school |
| 23.11.23 |
Mel Fane, Foundation | Works for NHS | Governor at Cardinal Newman | Sister Emma Briggs is an Associate Member on the Governing Body |
| 20.09.23 |
Laura Gibbons, LA | Teacher at Balfour Primary School |
| 20.09.23 |
Anita Philbrook, Headteacher |
| 3.01.24 |
Giulia de Rosa, Foundation |
| 16.09.23 |
Bryan Rossi-Anderson, Parent | Project Manager for the Home Office |
| Has a child at the school |
| 21.09.23 |
Michael Conroy, Foundation | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC |
Dee Simson, Associate Member | Market Trader; |
| 14.12.23 |
Ian Watson, Associate Member | Binary Stars IT Services Ltd |
| Scouts | 22.09.23 |