Year 1
Welcome from Miss Cordell

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My name is Miss Cordell and I am the Year 1 teacher at Our Lady’s. I have many years of experience teaching Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 but Year 1 has always been my favourite class to teach! We have lots of fun with a play-based approach to learning, but we add more formal elements as we progress through the year. As well as being the Year 1 teacher, I am also the RE and phonics lead teacher.
We do PE on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child does not wear earrings or that these are taped and comes to school in their PE kit.
Children have a log in for a website called ‘Numbots’. Numbots supports children to develop their number sense and maths fluency in a fun way. Children are also given a login for the My Maths website. Activities will be uploaded to MyMaths on a Friday.
We send home a few spellings to practise each week using the ‘Look, Cover, Check’ method. The children can then practise using the spellings in sentences. The spelling sheet will be stuck into a homework book each week. Homework books should be handed in on a Thursday and will be distributed back to the children on a Friday.
At Our Lady’s, we use the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. We assess children’s phonic knowledge each half term. Children will then be given 2 books that match their Read Write Inc level. Each book should be read at least 3 times to help children develop their reading fluency. Before reading the book, you should practise reading the speedy green words, story words and red or tricky words. Please see the Reading Guide for parents for more help with reading. There is also a phonics guide for parents with activities you can use at home to support your child.
Here are some free websites to support spelling and maths:
Quick Homework Links
Oak National Academy – An online classroom, backed by the Government, offering free access to videos, lessons, quizzes and worksheets.