[email protected]
01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Year 2

Welcome from Miss Hamilton


“Pupils’ work across the curriculum is often of a high standard. They take pride in what they produce and work hard in the time given.”



Hello, I’m Miss Hamilton and I’m the Year 2 teacher. I am also the subject lead for Active Citizenship at Our Lady of Lourdes.


We do PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please ensure your child does not wear earrings or that these are taped and comes to school in their PE kit.

Year 2 Homework

  • Maths – use an online maths programme (Numbots)
  • Reading will be sent home frequently too

The areas outlined below are how you can support your child at home.

Maths – Your child will receive a login in for an online maths programme, Numbots. This is a fantastic programme that supports them with their fluency and is a great stepping stone for other programmes they will go on to use in KS2. This is something your child can do as frequently as they like.

Reading – Your child reads to you daily for 10 minutes. Reading to them is also fun and helpful but it is important that they also have time practising reading to you. Ideally, a book that is the right level for your child will mean they are able to read about 8-9 out of 10 words correctly.

Here is a link to the e-book library: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-school/oxford-owl-ebook-collection

To read the ebooks on oxford owl website, go to oxfordowl.co.uk.
Click on ‘My class log in’.
Enter the log in details below.
Username: ololyear2
Password: OLOLYear2

Phonics – At the top of this page is the guidance Miss Cordell sent on phonics homework to support your child. You will have been informed which set your child is working in.

This is the login you will need for the phonics on Oxford Owl website.
Username: ololyear2
Password: OLOLYear2

This homework is provided to help support your child in their learning. Every child and family is different so please complete with a balance that suits your timetable and child. Please ask if you are unsure about something.

Thank you for your support!

Miss Hamilton

Quick Homework Links