[email protected]
01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Admissions Consultation


Notice is hereby given in accordance with legislation that the governing body as the admission authority for Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School is formally consulting on its proposed admission arrangements and admission criteria for the school year 2024-25.

As an admission authority, we must consult with the following:

  1. Parents of children between the ages of two and eighteen.
  2. Other persons in the relevant area who in the opinion of the admission authority have an interest in the proposed admissions. We consider this to be the other Primary Schools within the Deans Partnership.  
  3. All other admission authorities within the relevant area.
  4. Whichever of the governing body and the local authority is not the admission authority, ie Brighton and Hove City Council.
  5. Any adjoining neighbouring local authorities where the admission authority is the local authority, ie East Sussex County Council.
  6. The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Catholic Education Service.

The consultation will begin on 16 December 2022, with the closing date for submitting comments being midnight  31 January 2023.

We propose the following amendments:

  • Changes to the Parish Maps to reflect Parish amalgamations by the Diocese
  • Changes to the wording to reflect new Parish names

The proposed arrangements can be viewed below.

Comments on the proposed admission arrangements should be sent to [email protected]  or by post to Joanne Dow at the above school address by the closing date (latest midnight 31 January 2023).

Explanatory Note:

The governing body is required to consult concerning proposed changes to their Admission arrangements and Supplementary Information Form and is now required to invite comments from above groups. The governing body has published its proposals for 2024-25 and is seeking views on changes to the admissions criteria and Supplementary Information Form.

Ian Watson – Chair of Admissions

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School

Date 16 December 2022