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A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Religious Education

Our Curriculum Intent for RE

At Our Lady of Lourdes, as a diverse Catholic community, we will:
• Live our lives with Christ at the centre of our very being: inspiring, recognising and valuing every individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God. Through celebrating our lives together, we reveal God to each other.
•Build a loving, authentic relationship with God the Father, growing as we continue on our journey in faith and ever developing spirituality, inspired to ‘be more’ and to enhance the lives of others.
•Develop a deeper knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the Catholic Faith, where children are stimulated, creative and engaged. Learning about, as well as from religion, understanding and respecting other faiths and cultures.

Curriculum Progression Map
