[email protected]
01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.


What we do:  Theatrix is a Theatre skills club taught by Helen Snow, a parent and Governor at OLOL.  The children who attend Theatrix will not only have a great deal of fun experimenting with song, dance and drama but they take away many other skills with them that will stay with them through all walks of life. The confidence they gain within themselves, memory skills from remembering their lines, lyrics and choreography, learing how their voices work and how to use them properly to name just a few. Performing arts is so beneficial to children and that is why Helen is so passionate about her job.

Helen trained at Laine Theatre Arts Epsom. She has performed various roles in musical theatre, recording, television and film including: Ariel, The Little Mermaid, Disney’s Magic Moments, Disney; Princess Jasmin & Cinderella, Qdo’s Pantomimes; Heinz Salad Cream Commercial, ITV; Little Red, The Amazing Adventures of Little Red, Ripley Theatre; Rapunzel, Into the Woods, Chocolate Box Theatre Company to name a few. She can be heard singing ‘Silent Night’ in the blockbuster movie Love Actually for Working Title Productions.

Helen is the vocal coach for Stagecoach Tunbridge Wells and also works for Dementia Support East Sussex where she brings the joy of theatre to those living with dementia with a program of interactive song, dance and exercise.

Age:  Mondays 3.30-4.30pm Year 1 to Year 2, Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm Year 3 to Year 6

Cost:  Payment of £4 per class, paid at the beginning of each term

How to book a place: Contact Helen on 07958638557 or by email: [email protected] for further details, or download a booking form here.