[email protected]
01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

In the event of school being closed for Year 2, we will upload Home Learning related information here.

Year 2 Remote Learning

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are well and looking forward to the Christmas holidays. Please see below some guidance on the Year 2 remote learning provision for Thursday (I will send Friday’s separately).

Please attend our morning zoom where I will do class register and a check in with the children. Once register is completed, I will do a short maths input and then direct the children to begin their work packs offline (each child will have a pack sent home with them on Wednesday). It will be the same for Friday as well. Children must also log on at 1pm for afternoon register and a story time. 


9 – 9.30 – Zoom Registration and maths input

9.15 – 10.15 – Maths worksheet (column addition and digit cards)

11 – 12 – English 

This work will be sent home in their packs and comes with a separate explanation

1 – 1.30pm Zoom Registration and story time

1.15 – 3pm Christmas activities 

I will include guidance of this in their packs

If any children cannot attend our registration, please inform the office.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/2190976433?pwd=R0czd2Y1djRDcjljN1NOWEZHZC9Wdz09 

Meeting ID: 219 097 6433

Passcode: R1uTrk