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01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Future Governors’ Fair

Monday 17th January 2022, 6.30-7.30pm, Newman College (top gate), The Upper Drive, Hove

Have you ever considered serving your local parish community by becoming a School Governor? It’s an incredibly fulfilling role, having an impact on future generations as you give back, but how can you know whether it’s right for you?

The Diocese will be leading a short, informal event for anyone in the city who is interested in finding out more about governance. Come and join us for a short talk and the opportunity to meet and speak to current governors and priests from across the Deanery of Brighton & Hove, over a glass of wine/soft drink. That way you can find out what it really involves and whether it might be something you’d be interested in, now or in future months or years.

Feel free to turn up and find out more.

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