In a special assembly on Monday our Eco Council launched our new Eco Code and Logo! All children had been invited to design an image, a slogan and a catchy code which was then voted on by the students of OLOL. The winning Eco logo and code was – ‘Don’t be lame – Sustain’
Everyone here at Our Lady of Lourdes has been working very hard make our school the best Eco friendly school that we can be. Our Eco Council is made up from pupils from each year group that meet regularly to discuss our Eco concerns and how we can work together to make things better. Each class has an Eco suggestion box and this is fed back to the staff and governors about the issues that are important to the pupils and the changes that they want to make within the school and their local community.
Recently they have been focusing on recycling and wanted the school (and parents and carers!) to recycle more! So now the school has a Terra recycling point, which recycles all our unwanted crisp packets, and a battery recycling collection point as well.
Watch out for the Eco Council’s regular feature in the school’s newsletter!