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01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Headteacher’s Update 14.04.2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I sincerely hope that you all remain well and that the challenges of lock down and the stresses associated with this time are not proving too much. You’ll remember that I wrote to you just prior to the holidays asking for some feedback on how our remote learning pages and packs were working for your families. The deadline for this is this Friday 17th. The link is on the front page of the website and so far we’ve had plenty of responses which will help the Leadership Team map a way forward.

At the moment the speculation around school returns is somewhat sketchy, and you will have heard it ranging from perhaps the start of May, to May Half Term and even the start of June. It seems increasingly likely that students will be back prior to September, but this too is, at best, guess work based on other European countries such as Italy and Spain. As a school we’re keen to be as proactive as we can in supporting the families and children in their wellbeing, so please do give us feedback on how you feel we’ve done so far via the survey on the website and let us know of any provision you think you’d like help with.

Moving into next week, the arrangements for our skeleton staff remains in place and we’re expecting the children to use the provision that were accessing it prior to Easter. If there are families who fit the criteria: both parents being key workers, or single parent families who are key workers that need to use the provision who were not doing so before, I’d ask that you please let me know by 5pm on Thursday 16th April so that I can ensure staffing is in place. Please also consider that if there is any alternative arrangement that can be made then please do this. The childcare at OLOL should be an absolute last resort.

Thank you for your continued help and support throughout this crisis; it is greatly appreciated by everyone at school.

God bless,


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