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01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Tree Planting Day 29 November

Thank you to all those parents, carers, grandparents and neighbours who came to help with our tree planting mission!  We successfully managed to get all 105 saplings safely into the ground; 25 – 30 of the trees were placed alongside the path to make a “whisper walk”, and the others will create a hedge and wildlife habitat as they grow.  The children were amazing and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  We were lucky to have the help of Miranda who will be leading our FOREST SCHOOL, Katie from Sussex Wildlife and Libby, member of the local Deans Conservation Group.  With their expertise and guidance the saplings all found the right spot and location.  It was fantastic to see so many of you, as well as neighbours and members of the local community with all your tools.  A huge thanks to the PTA for providing a warm space in the Arches and much needed nourishment.  With the donation the children made we are also delighted be able to send £118.60 to Just One Tree to help support the tree planting effort world wide https://www.justonetree.life/ (please click on the link to read more about the wonderful work they do) .  Finally a massive thank you to Mrs Philbrook who organised this tremendous event – it was a learning experience the children will remember long after!



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