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A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

School Uniform

Here at Our Lady of Lourdes, we are very proud of the standard of uniform in the school and hope that the parents will continue to insist that their child/children wear/s the correct items. 

Our full School Uniform Policy can be found on our Policies page.

Second hand uniform

Second hand uniform can either be purchased from Smarter Uniforms and our OLOL PTFA often run pre-loved uniform events.

Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name. When this is the case, lost items are almost always returned to their rightful owner. If not, they will be placed in the lost property box in the school reception area.

School logo'd items can be purchased using the order form below.
All items are required and not optional but if there is a problem with purchasing logo'd items, please speak to the school office.
All other items can be bought from most high street shops or supermarkets.

Main Uniform (girls & Boys)

CHARCOAL GREY trousers or CHARCOAL GREY knee length shorts (girls & boys).

CHARCOAL GREY skirt or pinafore dress (girls). 

Plain WHITE shirt or polo shirt (girls & boys). Please ensure that these are long enough to be tucked into whichever bottoms your child is wearing. 

School BLUE/WHITE striped tie (girls & boys).  

School BLUE round neck sweatshirt with Our Lady of Lourdes school logo  (girls & boys) OR

School BLUE cardigan with Our Lady of Lourdes school logo (girls).

School BLUE (not navy) and WHITE gingham dress may be worn in the summer term (girls). 

WHITE or GREY socks (girls & boys). Socks must be knee length or just above the ankle. Sports socks and trainer socks are not permitted. 

GREY tights (girls). 

Plain BLACK shoes, not trainers or canvas footwear  eg pumps. Children are expected to wear sensible shoes and not boots. In winter, boots can be worn to school, however children will then need to change into their school shoes when in the building.

Kimbelry winter uniform
Luke running

PE Kit (girls & Boys)

PALE BLUE polo shirt with Our Lady of Lourdes logo. 

NAVY shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings. 

BLUE fleece with Our Lady of Lourdes logo. 

BLACK trainers which are suitable for running, all weather and outside. 

WHITE ankle socks or trainer socks. 

Luisa bouncing tennis ball

Hair & Accessories

All long hair must be tied back (girls & boys).

Hair is to remain its natural colour. 

Patterns are not to be shaved into short hair. 

Hair accessories must be simple and small – a simple clip, hair band or hair tie – ideally in BLUE or BLUE and WHITE gingham. 

Plain summer hats with Our Lady of Lourdes logo. We sell both baseball caps or legionnaire style hats with a neck protector. 

In reception, children are encouraged to use a book bag with Our Lady of Lourdes logo. In other years a rucksack, again with OLOL logo.

Only ear studs and small sleeper earrings are permitted (these will need to be removed at home or covered by tape during PE). The children are able to wear a watch but no rings, bracelets or necklaces. 

Nails need to be kept short and nail polish is not permitted. 


Please use the order form below to place your order. When you have finished you will be told how much is owed. 

Please pay using the following BACS details:

Account Name:  Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School Fund

Bank:  Lloyds

Sort code: 30-94-63

Account number: 23805068 using a reference of child’s initial and surname/Uniform eg: “HPotter/Uniform”

Please note that payment has to be received before we will contact you about collecting your order. 

Amera fleece thumbs up

Uniform Order Form

You will be contacted when your uniform is ready for collection from the school office.


To add more of each item, click on the + icon next to them and select the size in the dropdown option.
