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01273 306980
Monday – Friday | 8:40am – 4:00pm

A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

An End of Year Message from the Co-Chairs

Dear Parents and Carers.

At this time of the academic year, the Co-chairs, and the other Governors, reflect on the past year and consider what we have done to fulfil the primary responsibilities of Governors for our school.  As you can all attest, this year has been hugely different to other years, but we would like to take a moment to step out of the current situation and remember our successes of the school year before the onset of Covid 19.

Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to recognise Anita Philbrook, who led the school as our interim Headteacher in the winter term. The transition period during a change in Headship can be a difficult one but under Mrs Philbrook’s leadership the school continued to thrive. We are extremely grateful to have had her guidance and dedication.

We started our new year welcoming our new Headteacher Paul Barber, who had been in post one term when the rumours of the pandemic began to circulate. Despite these unprecedented circumstances Mr Barber has shown tremendous commitment to supporting the whole school community, as we have tried to respond to rapidly changing government guidelines and advice. He has also provided assurance for families who may have been overwhelmed by so many changes in such a short time, and his warm and approachable manner have done much to build the very strong sense of teamwork and high morale among our whole school family.

We would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you and acknowledge the following:

  • To the teachers and all staff who have been amazing in their dedication and commitment to the children and the school. They have gone above and beyond and had to face many challenges whilst working in unfamiliar ways and in very trying circumstances.
  • The keyworker parents who sent their children to school so that they were able to support the country during the pandemic and those keyworker parents who were able to work from home and kept their children at home so that school would not be overwhelmed.
  • To all the parents and carers who have had to support their children’s education as best they could, many of you furloughed and many of you of juggling teaching and working from home whilst trying to support home schooling.
  • To the wider community who have come together with the school and helped to set up a local food bank and keep it stocked so that no family need go hungry.


Last but not least, to all our children who have borne the brunt of this difficult time with the loss of their regular routines and activities and friendship circles distanced through necessity. Particularly, to the year 6 pupils who were unable to take their SATS, attend their residential trip and of course their farewell leavers party and mass.

Moving forward we will continue to support the school in adapting to the guidance issued by the Government and ensuring that we fulfil our duties as Governors with an emphasis on supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of the children, families and staff.

We hope you and your family enjoy a very well deserved and much needed break.

Kind regards

Mel Fane and Giulia De Rosa

Co-Chairs of Governors

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