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A dynamic, inclusive school; rooted in its Catholic values and respect for all people; a safe place of successful, enjoyable and challenging learning.

Eco News

In a special assembly on Monday our Eco Council launched our new Eco Code and Logo!  All children had been invited to design an image, a slogan and a catchy code which was then voted on by the students of OLOL. The winning Eco logo and code was – ‘Don’t

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Another Open Morning

Due to the traffic disruption on our Open Morning on 8 January, we have scheduled another opportunity to see our school for Monday 13 January 10am.  You are warmly invited, and please share this information with other parents with children due to start Reception in September 2020.  We look forward

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Open Morning

We have another Open Morning for parents of children due to start school in September 2020. This is on Wednesday 8 January 10am.  If you or anyone you know has a child due to start school, you are all warmly invited to come along to see our lovely school. You

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Rottingdean in Bloom Judge’s Report Received

We are very proud that Our Lady of Lourdes School has contributed to the overall “Silver Gilt” judgment (78 out of 100 points) for Rottingdean Parish in this year’s Rottingdean in Bloom competition.  We have received the judge’s report – extract here:  “The judge was given a very comprehensive timetabled

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Tree Planting Day 29 November

Thank you to all those parents, carers, grandparents and neighbours who came to help with our tree planting mission!  We successfully managed to get all 105 saplings safely into the ground; 25 – 30 of the trees were placed alongside the path to make a “whisper walk”, and the others

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A Visit from Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions

On Monday, we were visited by two members of Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions Club, Geoff Rhodes the Lions President and Andy Wavell. They generously presented each child in Reception with a picture book to keep. The book Happy to be me by Emma Dodd is a rhyming book with a

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SOS Banner launch

Many thanks to all the parents and children who turned out yesterday, on an wild, wet and windy afternoon, for the launch of our SOS banner.  The next time you walk up or down Steyning Road, look out for the banner on the wall of Our Lady of Lourdes Church.

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Thank you

It was good to see many of you at the governor café at parents’ evenings this week, and thank you to all who completed our parent survey.  We will evaluate the results at our Q&S Committee meeting on 22 November and will let you know the outcome after that.

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